Composer Chats - Alexander Glyde-Bates

Hi Alex! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat to us ahead of our performance of your piece, Restoration, at Turner Sims on 3rd December. Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a Southampton-based composer and tuba/sousaphone player who grew up in north Cambridgeshire, moving down to Southampton in 2007 to start my undergraduate and have failed to escape ever since (despite a few attempts). Compositionally, I tend focus on interdisciplinarity, or, more accurately, how I can use theories and devices from non-musical art forms to disrupt and defamiliarize the musically commonplace. This was effectively the focus of my recently completed PhD. (Available online for those seeking a cure to their insomnia.)

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Stephen Shepherd
Flying south for the winter!

As Game of Throne’s House of Stark is famous for saying Winter is Coming and with it the Laefer Quartet are heading south to seek some warmer skies. Before you get any ideas about exotic winter get-away’s we are only going 69 miles south but we are super excited about our trip as we return to the University of Southampton to perform in a lunchtime concert at the Turner Sims Concert Hall. We will also be sticking around afterwards to give a workshop for the students.

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Stephen Shepherd